Singer, composer, musician and playwrightCAMILLA RINGQUIST - singer, composer, musician and playwright from Stockholm Sweden. Camilla has for more than ten years specialised on French chanson and her own stage shows. She started to compose at the age of 13. Camilla has performed for many years and is working together with some of the best musicians in Sweden. She has made concerts and stage shows at a number of venues in Sweden, such as Södra Teatern, Confidencen, Ystads Teater, Västmanlands Teater, Storsjöteatern and regularly at Olympiateatern in Stockholm - as well as on Radio and TV.
After a stay at the Swedish Institute in Paris (2009) she made her debut as playwright for a musical stage show ”La Brodeuse” (The Seamstress). A story about artists in Paris during La Belle Époque and with songs by icons such as Édith Piaf, Jacques Brel and Barbara.
Then followed her homage to Édith Piaf ”Mon Amour Bleu”. The shows became a big success and have been performed at several venues in Sweden and also in French versions in Paris at Théâtre de l´Île Saint Louis et Cercle Suédois. Camillas sensitive and strong interpretations of the French classics have received standing ovations! Camilla has also made a documentary about Édith Piaf for Swedish Radio P2 ”My songs are my life”.
Stage shows about women during the end of the 19th century has become Camillas signature. She received the IRIS stipend in 2014 - for the work with a trilogy about female artists: ”The story about Camille Claudel” - French sculptress, ”Jane Avril” - dancer at the Moulin Rouge and ”Oda Krohg” - Norwegian painter. Three fascinating life stories which has moved the audience deeply! Camilla has also interviewed artists of today in the series ”Incomparable women”.
Now the time has come for Marie Curie. Camilla has spent several years doing a solid research, written a script and put to music important events in Marie Curies life in ”Piano Suite Curie” - which has been released both as a CD and on Spotify. This is Camillas first classical album and her first as a pianist. A soundtrack for the stage show ”Curie” - in which Camilla narrate the fantastic story about Marie Curie through the voice of her youngest daughter Ève Curie - pianist, writer and journalist and the only artist in a family of scientists. Not many people know Marie Curies personal story - both as a scientist, a woman and a single mother with two daughters after the tragic death of Pierre Curie in a traffic accident. The piano suite also symbolises the ”voice of Ève” - the only one in the family who did not receive a Nobel Prize.
"Cure" has also been released as an audiobook (in Swedish) on Storytel and Nextory - manuscript, music and narrator Camilla Ringquist
Camilla has an ongoing collaboration with the Polish Institute in Stockholm about Krystyna Skarbek - the Polish countess who became Churchill´s favourite spy, also known as Christine Granville. Camilla has composed the music highlighting important events in Krystyna´s fascinating life, featured on the album "Vesperale" (2023). The music was included in a presentation at Historiska museet in 2024 together with Peter Brandqvist, chairman of the Swedish Polish Society.
Camilla started, as one of the very first female artists in Sweden, her own label TinyTiger in 2002.
She has released the albums ”For Venus” (2003), ”Love and Poetry” (2005), ”Embrace of Green” (2008) with her own music and ”La Brodeuse” (2010) with French classics and her own songs in French. All the albums have received great reviews! Her album ”For Venus” has been released in Europe and ”Love and Poetry” in Japan.
On Spotify Camilla has released the live EP "La Petite Parisienne" (2020), the single "Breathing" (2023), her first orchestral piece "Fàire" (2020) and the live album "Sous le ciel de Paris" (2021). In early 2025 Camilla will be releasing singles from the stage show "Sous le ciel de Paris": Les moulins de mon coeur, O, vad blev alla vänner av?, Avec le temps and Voir un ami pleurer.
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